Away With the Wind

$ 24.99

 Mireille Geus
 Hardback | 32 pages
217 x 282mm
 Lemniscaat Ltd

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When his mother and siblings start their hibernation, Little Bear creeps out of his lair. What is life like outside? The wind sweeps him up and carries him across the world. Little Bear has the most amazing adventures before he ends up safely back in his bed. Away With the Wind is not just a delightful bedtime book – every meeting gives Little Bear a take-away for life: that you sometimes have to go against the flow, that you’ll meet many different cultures and how special that is, that you can learn a lot of things, that you can play with and use the wind as you wish, the importance of home and family… Golden Stylus winner Mireille Geus and Golden Brush winner The Tjong-Khing join forces with a stunning result. The Tjong-Khing paints a fantastic world, where the animals that Little Bear meets are very much like the cuddly toys belonging to him and his siblings. Is the journey real? Or is it a dream while Little Bear sleeps through the winter? What do you think?
